"Art as Decoration"
I just sold this custom Gibson guitar that was on loan at City Arts Factory to the owner of a new bar that will be opening soon in Downtown Orlando called "Bullitt". I guess it will be used as decoration and he might be commissioning a new one, hopefully soon. More pictures HERE
Portrait of Ms. Ricci
This was one of the first paintings I did when I started actually going for a more painterly approach with my watercolor figurative/portrait work, August 2008. Back then, I received an email via Flickr, short after posting it on line, from a casting agent lady in California saying she had forwarded my artwork to Christina Ricci's Agent because she thought it was so well done and that Ms. Ricci would like it too. Unfortunately I never heard back from them. The original painting was sold late last year. I regret selling it.
Portrait of Mr. Couture
Twits by some cool Twitters
A Basic Palette

Portrait of Jess Anderson - Study
This is a study for the Jess Anderson's portrait. Watercolor on Arches 140lb about 11x15 in. Will be part of the show in October.
Portrait of Roxy Balboa
This is the finished painting of Roxy Balboa. As I wrote before, she is a Muay Thai US Women's Lightweight Champion 2008 & 2009 and personal trainer based in LA. I actually never met her personally, only through the internet, but she was nice enough to let me use this painting for an upcoming artshow in October here in Orlando. After going over some personal photos with Roxy, we decided this pose worked the best, and that we needed to incorporate her signature skirt and the black and red wraps on her hands - the way she usually wraps for training. The process was a lot like working with an art director when I do editorial work, minus the back and forth sketches - which is great. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go to CA to meet her and take the reference photos myself. Maybe next time.
Here's the step-by-step