Roxy Balboa


Since I also don't usually use, or do a color study, I got to make sure I know exactly what my limited palette can produce - 10 to 13 colors palette divided in Basic transparents, Basic staining, 4 reds, 2 yellows 3 browns, 3 blues and Payne's Gray. Don't worry so much with correct pigment names or formula. Just make sure you always place it in the same position on the palette and learn what to get out of them.
When doing skin tones there is no formula (HATE when people say: Is just a little bit of red+yellow and some blue: thats why your painting sucks) Skin tone is hard and a lot of time goes into getting it right. Study Frank Frazetta's work.
Once I get my background about mid tone, it is time to start on the foreground. When doing the figure it's important to add thin transparent layers and wait for it to try completely before adding the next. I work on getting the torso about mid tone first and worry about the head last. Since the head is the focus point, I want it to have the highest contrast - and that's why painting brunettes is way easier, folks!
Contrast is what makes or breaks a painting. Once you reach mid tone just about everywhere in the piece, it's time to rework the background with dark tones, detail the head making sure skin tones are matching throughout the painting and that the light source is even as well.
The final step is to add highlights. I dont like using masking too much so I use gouache or gesso (very little, please!). I also do a lot of lifting which gives a nice texture - and that is why is important to use good quality paper.
Questions? info@grapesodastudio.com
Commissions? info@grapesodasudio.com
Emma Bunny blogs about me.

Florida Music Festival 09 Rock Walk Art Show May 14th

Florida Music Festival 09 Rock Walk Art Show May 14th
Originally uploaded by Plinio M Pinto
Art walks hand in hand with Music and vice-versa. Music and Noise are often mistaken, and when Noise becomes Art it lasts forever. When a Musician makes Noise, you have Zappa. When an Actor makes Noise, you have Cooper. When a Performance Artist makes Noise, you have Pop.
Florida Music Festival 09 Rock Walk Art Show May 14th

Florida Music Festival 09 Rock Walk Art Show May 14th
Originally uploaded by Plinio M Pinto
Florida Music Festival 09 Rock Walk Art Show May 14th
Orlando Florida - CityArts Factory – ART HAPPENINGS MAY 2009
Located in the Heart of the Downtown Arts District
ROCK WALK: The Art of Noise
ROCK N’ ROLL BABY!!! As we all know, art and music go hand in hand that said, the Annual Rock Walk Art show was developed to be exhibited in concert with the annual Florida Music Festival in downtown Orlando every May. For the third year CityArts is the host facility for the exhibit and this year CityARTS is also registration point for the music festival which guarantees a rich authentic rock and roll vibe for the exhibit. This year the exhibit shall remain up for public viewing and purchase of art for over 5 weeks. The exhibit will consists of local and regional artists of various styles and mediums. All of the art will represent the influence of music on artistic style.
The Rock Walk; Art of Noise exhibit will featuring: Abe Lincoln Jr., Scott Stanton, Plinio Pinto, Mel Taylor, Derek Gomes, Morgan Steele, Carrie Curtis, Jeff Noble, e-Raz, Andrew Spear, Stainboy, Brook Pifer, Donovan Astwood, Alex Wenton, Brice Stevens, Steven Shea and others.
09 FMF Rock Walk "SPATIAL" Step-by-Step

09 FMF Rock Walk "SPATIAL" Step-by-Step
Originally uploaded by Plinio M Pinto
09 FMF Rock Walk "SPATIAL" Step-by-Step
This is one of the pieces for the 09 FMF Rock Walk Art Show, May 14th. Here is the step-by-step process work, done in watercolor on Arches paper, stretched on Gatorboard.

Originally uploaded by Plinio M Pinto
I'm currently working on a 3 piece series for the 09 Rock Walk Art Show, part of the Florida Music Festival, a yearly event that Orlando holds every May. This year the Theme is "The Art of Noise" and that instantly took me to Frank Zappa.
Trying to elaborate on the concept, and the need of, somehow, always needing to produce a 3 piece series, I got to "Aural, Spatial and Visual"
Here's a peek at "Aural"
Watercolor on paper 11x15